For some reason I find great joy in finding storage solutions that are inexpensive and unpredictable. Necessity began this quest as we moved into a home with NO storage closets, a bedroom with no room for a dresser and an incredibly small clothing closet. I really had to get creative then and I now it is almost a personal quest whenever I need a new solution.
As mentioned in an earlier post, my nursery is still in the works. Up until this last week, all of his baby blankets were “stored” in a pile on the floor. Having grown up in a home where my mother said, “nothing on the floor but the furniture,” that was not going to last.
I didn’t want to take up any more floor space, as it is pretty limited already. I had considered getting coat pegs but couldn’t decide what wall I would put that on.
Then I came across this awesome thing!

It was made to hold purses, but I really love it for blankets. There’s plenty of room, it’s off the floor, and I don’t really have to look at them. The best part? It was less than $5.
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