Happy Valentines Day!! ❤️❤️❤️
Back a few years ago, ok 7 (what?!), I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One of the rules for this mission was to have a companion 24/7, literally. Unless you were using the bathroom or showering etc. you were supposed to be within eye and ear shot of this other human being that you JUST MET.

I’m sure you can imagine the challenges that might arise from such a situation. But as representatives of Jesus Christ we were on a mission to LOVE and that included our companions. So what do you do if you get stuck with someone you don’t like/can’t get along with? I don’t know. It didn’t happen for me. BUT! In the missionary training center we were advised: WRITE 50 THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT YOUR COMPANION.
This advice has served me well, far beyond my mission! Having a spouse is not always the easiest, we are two separate souls determined to build a life together, but we are still different.
Sometimes our differences can blind us, and drive us apart, but not if we are always seeking out the good in each other.
So for 6 years now, I have written 50 things I love about my husband and given it to him as a gift on Valentine’s Day. I try not to use the same ones over and over and usually when I start the list it is not easy. But the more I think and dwell on the things I love about him, by the end of my list the ideas just fly into the page.

It has been such a blessing for me! And a great, romantic, Valentine’s tradition.