Intentional Artwork

When we moved to Arkansas, it was just us and our 2 cars so we had to be very selective about what we brought. Although artwork might have seemed like something that shouldn’t have made the cut, there are some pieces around my house that are so meaningful to me and they bring a smile to my face when I look at them.

The pieces I am going to show you are all associated with a time of growth for me. A time when I called out to God and He showed me that He was still there.

This is one of the first pieces I found and held onto. We got this one after I lost my first baby. I didn’t feel much of God’s love at that time, but seeing this reminded me of a time when I felt the closest to Him. It looks like it could’ve been taken in Florida, where I served my mission. So much of my heart is in that place! When I see this in my home I think of miracles, people I love, warm humid air, lots and lots of joy.

This set I made to remind me of all things good! I absolutely LOVE Gordon B. Hinckley and his outlook on life. I was studying some of his words and just knew I needed them in my life!! This quote sums up pretty well his attitude:

“We have every reason to be optimistic in this world. Tragedy is around, yes. Problems everywhere, yes. But … you can’t, you don’t, build out of pessimism or cynicism. You look with optimism, work with faith, and things happen.
Do not despair. Do not give up. Look for the sunlight through the clouds. Opportunities will eventually open to you. Do not let the prophets of gloom endanger your possibilities.”

He would acknowledge the bad, but always focused on the good!

These words remind me of him and have helped remind me to be grateful and that life is good.

These may just look like dried weeds to you. But to me they are the hope of better days to come.

This summer I went to the mountains specifically for a chance to find happiness. I was having such a hard time finding it anywhere those days, but I just knew I could find some there.

I had missed those Utah mountains so much! There is just nothing like cool mountain air with the sound of wind blowing through the pines and a river not too far away.

It was the week after school started so my family was the only one there. It was cool and peaceful (and I wasn’t getting eaten by mosquitoes). The happiness I sought was there! I felt hope for a chance that I wouldn’t be sad forever and that was a moment I wanted to capture for those rainy days I couldn’t seem to escape.

Surrounding myself with meaningful things and allowing those things to change my attitude has been a big help on my down days.

What meaningful things do you keep around that bring you happiness??

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